I’m Gustav Gatu, a kind business developer based in Malmö, Sweden. I love straightforward solutions in meaningful organisations.
I have worked as a product owner for profitable and awarded business solutions and have helped municipality administrations as a consultant.
Editorial development / Swedish Radio
2022-…, Malmö/Stockholm
I help editorial colleagues in public service Swedish Radio to reach strategic goals by providing tools and structure for change. Some of the methods I use are Design Thinking, NABC, Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas.
Business Developer / Newsworthy
2021-2022, Malmö/Stockholm
Explored, tested and implemented a B2B/B2G revenue model for news site Newsworthy.
Research Lead / Bonnier News Next
2019, Malmö
Researched, developed and tested new business opportunities for Bonnier News. Helped team members and colleagues do ”Just Enough Research”. I also tried to signpost the future of publishing on demand from C-suite group management, operations managements, and fellow business developers. I mapped changes in consumer behaviour, technological development, and legal frameworks and their possible implications.
Business Developer / Bonnier News Next
2017-2019, Malmö
Researching, developing, testing, and establishing new business opportunities for Bonnier News.
- As Product owner, Smarta Jobb. Interim position for 3 months, preparing for the next product owner whilst keeping stakeholders motivated and committed either by keeping them in the loop or not. Also secured third place in an international award.
- As a Product owner for Native advertising, I was Responsible for business, content and technological development of native advertising in southern Sweden. Negotiating with key stakeholders, participating in two international industry events on stage and securing a main stage appearance at our customers’ industry event.
- I also developed GDPR-compliant customer segmentation and ad-targeting service Pinjata in collaboration with design firm Doberman.
- Also secured external research funding, produced several research reports for C-suite executives and initiated several new research and business initiatives.
Digital Audience Developer / HD-Sydsvenskan
2015-2017, Malmö and Helsingborg
Developed and tested new concepts and third party services, evolved old and developed new strategies and concepts, taught and coached colleagues. (Two years and six months.)
- Founded network for social media specialists for media group Bonnier, connecting 100 persons from +20 brands in at least five countries to exchange experiences and best practices. We arranged meet-ups with lectures and workshops, resulting in several new collaborations. Later adapted to groups for other key professions in Bonnier.
- Lead Swedish RRI (Rival Results Index) for local and regional news all three years, with one or both of HD-Sydsvenskan’s brands. As Helsingborgs Dagblad climbed from fourth place in late 2015 to first place in a year, clicks to site increased by 67 percent.
Lecturer and speaker
2007 – current
Some key assignments:
- Keynote speaker at Public Service civic education firm UR (2023)
- Visiting lecturer at Lund University. Arranged and held week long classes in online journalism for the journalism program. Was also responsible for three day-classes for science journalist students. (2007, 2010-2012)
- Closing speaker at national public radio’s yearly two-day conference for the 100 top key digital changemakers in their organization (2015).
- Lecturing at the Belarusian State University Institute for Journalism, and an unofficial event, for Swedish Fojo. (2014)
Online Journalist / Sydsvenskan
2009-2014, Malmö
- Coordinated publishing during nights and weekends.
- Reported on developing stories
- Filled ”slow” hours with tech beat reporting
- Developed digital storytelling and social media presence.
- Participated in product development projects, sometimes as a dedicated resource for as much as months in a row.
Board Member / Publicistklubben Södra
2011-2013, Malmö
The Swedish Publicists’ Association (Publicistklubben) promotes freedom of the press and free speech in journalism. We arranged debates on press ethics, advances and setbacks for freedom of speech in Sweden and the world, and the media business.
Online Editor / Expressen
2010, Stockholm
In the summer of 2010, Bonnier’s tabloid Expressen was the place to be if you wanted to report the news as it was happening. Subjects ranged from the general election to the Crown Princess’ wedding. For example, I pressed ”publish” on the breaking news story on Julian Assange’s alleged offences in Sweden.
Intelligence Analysis / Bachelor’s degree
2002-2021, Lund University (90 credits)
Intelligence studies is an inter-disciplinary subject that explores various aspects of intelligence activities – how the collection and analysis of intelligence is organized; under what circumstances organizations fail to foresee and prevent threats etcetera. I wrote two theses, one on crowdsourced intelligence analysis and one on intrapreneurs as insider threats.
Research Frontiers in the Digitalization of Society
2020, University of Gothenburg (15 credits)
20 researchers in applied computer science presented and discussed their latest research and the concepts and findings that they had built upon. The course gave a broad overview of phenomena such as digital transformation, RPA, trust in humans and machines, blockchains etcetera.
Introductury and basic courses in:
- Crisis Communication in Organisations and Societies (2022, 15 credits, Lund University)
- Statistics (2006, 15 credits, Lund University)
- Business administration (2005, 30 credits, Lund University)
- Law (2004, 15 credits, Lund University)
- Political science (2002, 30 credits, University of Gothenburg)